trail festival in the southern berg
Incorporating and skirting some of the legendary features of the Southern Drakensberg such as Sani Pass, Twelve Apostles, Khanti Ridge, Hodgson’s Peaks, Garden Castle, Rhino Peak and Langalibalele’s Pass, participants in RMB Ultra-trail® Drakensberg will experience mountain running at its very finest.
The backbone of four of the five courses is the Giant's Cup Trail, which is found in the Southern section of Maloti-Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site. The Park was granted this status for two factors: Outstanding natural landscapes, and its cultural wealth of Sanrock art. The Running Man, RMB Ultra-trail® Drakensberg’s logo, is a hark to the art in the region.

The Race Village and host to RMB UTD is Glencairn Farm.
The farm has played host to many sporting events and weddings and offers a wide range of accommodation options for runners and supporters.
On Race Weekend, the Race Village will also have a variety of catered meal breakfast and dinner options available from Thursday evening to Sunday morning.

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